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Moravian First Year Seminars in NYC

Throughout the fall semester of 2011, Moravian College students enrolled in the first-year seminars "The Great Museums of New York" and "Broadway and Beyond: NYC Plays, Players, and Playwrights" will reflect here on what they've learned as they have traveled throughout New York City.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mafaa Suite

Finally think I got this thing working! So the Mafaa Suite was something. I went in there not expecting that. It felt a lot more intense then I thought it would. When we walked in we were greeted/yelled at by the actors. It definitely set the tone for the rest of the night. The actors portrayed racism throughout time in many stories. They got the point across and pushed people to the edge of being uncomfortable enough to make a significant impact but never crossed the line. For the resources they had I believe they did well except for the microphone issues so I applaud them. Getting home at 1:30 wasn't awesome because I had a test at 7:30 that morning but it is what it is and we got to see a good performance.

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