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Moravian First Year Seminars in NYC

Throughout the fall semester of 2011, Moravian College students enrolled in the first-year seminars "The Great Museums of New York" and "Broadway and Beyond: NYC Plays, Players, and Playwrights" will reflect here on what they've learned as they have traveled throughout New York City.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh what a day...

I'm not gonna lie, I was all hyped up to experience the city with you guys and I was really looking forward to doing some shopping. After our first tour of the Lincoln Center I was starving, so on our walk up to Time's Square we stopped to grab some delicious NYC pizza ! (: Me being the shopaholic that I am saw a store and stopped in to get a NYPD tshirt! When I sat down in the first show Other Desert Cities I was really tired, but the show was kind of funny so I actually enjoyed it! When that show was over we went to Juniors to eat I shoved the food down my throat in hopes of getting a lot of shopping in before the next show, but NYC is known for the city that never sleeps, so of course somehting big had to be going on! A huge protest had Time's Square blocked off and I couldn't get to any of my favorite stores :( After trying to fight through the crowd, and convince police officers to let me through i decided to give up and headed to the next show Venus in Fur! I was really excted to see this because I thought it would be something I was interested in. The show was pretty funny and I felt more connected to this show because I felt stuff like that actually happens in real life ! That day really tired me out, I was exhausted... but overall it was a really good day (:

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