Moravian First Year Seminars in NYC
Throughout the fall semester of 2011, Moravian College students enrolled in the first-year seminars "The Great Museums of New York" and "Broadway and Beyond: NYC Plays, Players, and Playwrights" will reflect here on what they've learned as they have traveled throughout New York City.

WEll, were to start I have to say MAAFA was an inspirational experience. I enjoyed the way they set up the theme in the church.But when i first walked into the church i felt a little frightened. The reason why was because i heard kids screaming from the auditorium, i had no idea what to think whatsoever. But then i realized it was all part of the play i thought that it was very creative. They made the play seem so real as if we had been sent back to the past of slavery.I was also very interested in the dancing the actors and actresses were doing it made the play lively and very entertaining.Towards the end of the play i felt very good because i had never experienced such an inspirational feeling like i did that night. The church was definitely a pleasure because i felt a sense of comfort like there was positive vibes throughout the church. All though the play was very longi still enjoyed it. By the time we arrived at moravian it was around 1:30 way to long for me. But i was pleased with the performance i had a chance to watch because it was definitely a healing experience!
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